Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Current Ivory

6-12: A 19th C. European carving, probably German, of a beggar and his dog, with a puppy under his coat. In good condition, with minor old restorations to his cloak. 7" Price: $1,095

7-03: A 6.5" Japanes okimono grouping , c. 1900, of a man holding a scroll with Oni dancing on it, and a boy and fish at his feet. Excellent condition Price: 695

8-25: A 20th C. Emperor on horseback, 13.5" hi x 9.25" tall. Jeweled cabachons, in excellent condition Price: $995

Hi All,
I'm trying this new blog site to list the ivory I have for sale, and to more easily add information and edit content. While the old "Ivoryhound" site was really great, it has become very expensive to maintain, as I needed a costly "web master" to add and delete photos & descriptions. In these more difficult financial times, I'm acquiring less pieces, looking for more of what attracts the "average" buyer. In fact, earlier this year I bought a 27 piece 20th Century Chinese collection, all of which I sold on E-bay, with the exception of a few items I list above. I'm kind of new at this, but hopefully you will see the photos, brief descriptions and prices above. You can contact me through this blog site, or write me, as before, directly at: gbernsak@aol.com. Let me know how you like the site, and any suggestions you may have.
This is a trial posting. If it works out, I will close my old "Ivoryhound" web site and try to do this through the blog.
I am looking forward to your comments, whatever they may be. I have quite a few other pieces I'll be posting, once I see how this works.
The Ivoryhound